Top Ten Reasons to Rent a Storage Unit – Part One

top-tenThere are times in our lives when having a storage unit can really make things better. Sometimes it allows us to de-clutter our homes, giving us the space to live more comfortably. Other times it might be a place to help our dream of business success grow. And sometimes, it can really take the pressure off during big transitions in our lives. We are going to talk about some of these situations in the next two posts. Rather arbitrarily, we have picked ten, but there are many more. And we are not going to “count down”, because the No. 1 reason to rent a storage is unit going to vary from person to person. After all, the No. 1 reason to rent a storage unit is the reason you have, right? But it very well might fit into one of these categories. So if some of these are issues in your life, consider how using off-site storage might make it better.

Now (in no particular order) we bring you the first five of the top ten reasons to rent a storage unit:

  1. Downsizing. Downsizing can happen for a number of reasons. Traditionally, we think of the “empty nesters”, parents whose children have grown up, moved out, and moved on. Suddenly a four bedroom house with a big back yard just seems like too much to maintain (see our previous post.) But there is also a new trend afoot, “tiny homes”, which people choose in order to simplify their lives and have a smaller environmental impact.
  2. Seasonal storage. Decorating for the holidays is a fun and cheery way to brighten up your home. But new decorations tend to get added with each passing season, making your collection grow to be quite large in a few short years. Not only that, but these days we seem to be decorating for every holiday. Assign a portion of your storage unit to holiday decorations, and you can cycle through the seasons with ease.
  3. College student. If your child is off to college in another town, or even another state, a storage unit will become a requirement if you don’t want to move all of their stuff home every summer, then back to campus in the fall. Storage can make this a little more hassle-free for you and your student – you might even be able to team up with your child’s roommates and share a unit.
  4. Baby proofing. When you have babies and toddlers in the house, moving dangerous and delicate items that aren’t necessary for everyday living out of their range just makes sense. Remember that like these precious early years, your need for storage will be short.
  5. Business storage. Using a storage unit for business is brilliant. People with home businesses as well as established companies can benefit from offsite storage, not to mention pharmaceutical reps, realtors, and contractors. Businesses can store records, supplies, equipment, and inventory. It is also an excellent option for larger items, such as furniture and vechicle storage.

Okay, we have just scratched the surface. Check back later this month for Part Two of The Top Ten Reasons to Rent a Storage Unit!

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