Decorating for the Holidays – All of Them!

halloween-decorationsDo you love to decorate for the holidays? If you do, you have plenty of opportunities. “Decorating for the holidays” is not just about Christmas and Hanukkah anymore. It can mean Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, or the Fourth of July, just to name a few. It is pretty ingrained in us to recognize the change in the seasons: the bounty of fall (turkey and pumpkin pie!), the bright, glowing ornaments of Christmas that light the long, dark nights of winter; the lovely pastels of Easter eggs that mirror the new growth of spring; and the red, white and blue of the Fourth of July, a full-on celebration of summer as well as a marker of the birth of our country. For many people, the fun of transforming their home during the winter holidays has given them the bug to spread out the fun all year long.

If you are the sort of person who loves to decorate for Christmas – who, in December, covers every available square inch with twinkly lights and garlands and jolly snowmen, even if you live in the sunny southwest and it is 80 degrees outside – you might be glad that Halloween has become a full-fledged decorating opportunity as well. Jack-o’-lanterns, scarecrows, black cats and goblins – bring ‘em on! There is a domino effect, however. If you are pulling out the green four-leaf clover garlands on St. Patrick’s Day, and your collection of china bunnies on Easter, you might feel you have to go even more over the top at Christmas to mark it as an especially festive season.

When you add in the fact that some people like to use special sets of holiday-themed dishes for those big family dinners, and that more and more people are using (very large) artificial trees at Christmas, you can end up with a storage nightmare on your hands. A couple of boxes in the garage is just not going to cut it.

This is where a storage unit can really shine. Think holiday cycling. (No, it’s not a new spin class down at the gym.) You can indulge your passion for holiday-themed decorating without taking over your entire garage if you assign a portion of your storage unit to decorations. Just label your boxes by holiday, then when you swing by to pick up the Christmas decorations, you can drop off the Halloween and Thanksgiving decorations, and so on through the year. Sanity preserved!

And don’t forget, January 3 is National Fruitcake Toss Day!

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