Spring cleaning is a great way to clear out the cobwebs of winter, but Fall cleaning, to my mind is more purpose driven. It’s kind of a crazy, but fun, time of year: the kids are back in school, schedules get filled up, and everyone is on the big countdown to the holidays. A clean, well-organized home helps us stay focused and calm during the hectic times. But true organization goes beyond an uncluttered kitchen counter. Streamlining routines like meal planning, grocery shopping, and keeping track of appointments and activities, can really help you carve some down time out of your busy schedule. This will give you more space to be creative and, well, just relax once in a while – with a cup of tea and some pumpkin bread! This article on 7 Fall Organizing Tips is really an excellent overview on how to bring order to busy lives during this busy time of year.
Fall is also a time when we may be preparing our homes for guests and visiting family members. Sprucing up the guest room may be on your to-do list, and this will be a lot easier if you have already de-cluttered and organized the rest of your home. If there are big items in your guest room, like exercise equipment or crafting materials, your storage unit can come to the rescue again. If you live in Southern California, Arizona, or Nevada, your local Dollar Self Storage facility is a clean, safe, and secure place to store your things, during the holidays and beyond.