Creative Organization

pencil_circleSeptember always puts me in the mood to organize. I guess part of it is the old association with the beginning of the school year – a new backpack; clean, crisp notebooks full of potential; unbroken crayons in all the good colors. But unlike spring cleaning, which is all about squeaky clean surfaces, autumnal organizing brings out my creative side. It makes me want to decoupage that old wooden crate before I stow away my vinyl collection in it. It makes me want to put stickers on the old baby wipes container to make a new home for my kid’s marker collection. You get the idea.

So, if like me, September makes you want to sharpen a few pencils and get crackin’ on some “homework”, you might want to take a look at this article on Bob Vila’s website  about creative storage solutions that feature clever, re-purposed items, like old books, dish drainers, cake pans, worn out luggage – and even last year’s cast off lunch box! These fun ideas will help you get organized and get your creative juices flowing. Who needs finger painting?

When you get done organizing, if you have a few things you need to transfer to your storage unit, don’t forget that Dollar Self Storage has boxes and packing supplies, including specialized items, such as dish packs and wardrobes, which will make that job easier. When they are all packed up, you can put some stickers on them!

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