Changing it Up: Inexpensive Ways to Freshen Your Decor

decorAs we put away the Christmas decorations and face the New Year, it can be a great time to look around and think about how we want our living spaces to look. Are you one of those people who likes to change up the look of your home on a regular basis? Do you go for beach cottage in the summer and cozy ski lodge in the winter? It’s fun and surprisingly easy to do, and doesn’t require moving a lot of furniture (unless you like that sort of thing.) This article on Apartment Therapy talks about how little changes can make a big difference in updating the look of your living room, and this page at Better Homes & Gardens has links to dozens of seasonal decorating craft projects and ideas. Here are some of the best inexpensive ways to freshen your décor:

  • Pillows. It’s kind of a cliché, but honestly, the right throw pillows can make people think you got a new couch. They are inexpensive, colorful, and fun, and can be changed out as often as you like.
  • Area Rugs. Area rugs are another great way to change it up. Think sisal in the summer and sheepskin in the winter. Area rugs can be laid over wall-to-wall carpeting as well as bare floors, and add tons of color and texture.
  • Lamp shades. I love this one, because it’s not one we usually think of, but you can totally change the look of a room by changing out the lamp shades. Add color and change the quality of light in the room at the same time.
  • Greenery. And we’re not just talking potted plants here, although those are lovely (and good for your air quality), but bowls of seasonal fruit and flowers can make a statement as well.
  • Color and texture. These key words are great to keep in mind when you don’t want to go out and buy seasonal décor – you can shop in your own house by looking around for items you already own that match the season, like blankets, pillows, pictures, rugs. Swap things out and give them pride of place.
  • Don’t forget the outside of your home. Door wreaths are a beautiful and easy way to greet the new season, and not only do they give your guests a warm welcome, they are very nice to come home to for you as well.

The whole idea here is to have fun and create a cozy space. I find that getting ready for décor changes with every season is a good impetus for some deep cleaning as well. You can eliminate clutter and keep your décor items organized by giving them a space in your storage unit.

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