Build Your Craft Business with Self Storage

craftsLove to throw pots? Knit baby booties? Make prom dresses out of duct tape? Many people dream of starting a home-based business, but those with an actual talent for crafts have a real edge. The beauty of crafting is you can start small, and keep it small if you choose. But if you have big dreams (and make big pots), you might need a plan. There are lots of guides out there on turning your hobby into a business (this is a really good one), so we will just hit the highlights.

It is important to set aside an official space for your home business. There are definitely going to be times when you want to walk away and leave your work in progress, and not have to put everything away. That’s when the limitations of the family room or dining room will be glaringly apparent. Also, if you have turned your hobby into a job, now you are not just the artist, you are also the Marketing Director, Chief Financial Officer, and CEO. So you are going to need a desk. Although you might have started your crafting business so you can stay home with the kids, there are going to be times when you really need to close the door and concentrate. Not to mention the fact that you are going to need to keep your crafts and supplies out of reach of little fingers.

Another thing to think about is where you will store your finished products. Whether you sell your crafts online at Etsy, through craft fairs, or both, you will need to build an inventory. If your crafts are small, and/or you have plenty of room in your garage/basement/attic, you can be a truly self-contained enterprise. But if this is not the case, and your crafting supplies and inventory are starting to take over your living space – I think you know where I’m going with this – a self-storage unit could be a cost effective life-saver for your business. Think about the luxury of a secure space only you have access to where you can store:

  • Crafting supplies
  • Inventory
  • Craft fair tents and tables
  • Display equipment
  • A table set up for photographing your work
  • Packing materials for shipping your work to buyers

The beauty of self-storage is that not only can you tailor the size to your needs, but there are no long term commitments. When the time is right, a storage unit could help you take your crafting business to the next level. If you live in Southern California, Nevada, or Arizona, check out our local Dollar Self Storage locations. We offer month-to-month lease terms and online payment options. Dollar Self Storage understands the needs of businesses, both large and small, and strives to provide superior customer service.


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